June 20th, 2010
Good evening folks, and thanks for checking this out. I appreciate the encouragement I've received so far and look forward to seeing how this little experiment turns out.
Let me start by saying that I can't believe anyone in this group thinks I am qualified to be Oregon's governor. I personally don't believe ANYONE is qualified. We face such insane problems in our state government, in our towns, in our neighborhoods, in our jobs, and even in our homes that no man or woman is qualified to solve them all. With that in mind, it is my hope that shoving a different mindset down the throats of our state government will shake things up enough to get Oregon moving in a different direction.
I'm guessing some of you joined this group out of curiosity, perhaps with the following attitude: "What the hell is this clown trying to do? Oh well, might be fun to watch." I've actually wondered myself, "What the hell am I trying to do?" Some of you might be my family or friends, joining in because you feel guilty if you don't, or more likely, wanting to make sure I'm not doing anything too obnoxious! That's fine too; I'm the first to admit that I sometimes need somebody looking over my shoulder. I bet a few of you joined this little adventure because you are so sick of "business as usual" that you are willing to vote for ANYBODY who isn't part of the existing machine. You don't want to be limited to a choice of two candidates that were selected by big money advertising budgets, focus groups, electability (is that even a word?), campaign finance laws, government contacts, good ole boy networks, or any other factors that have given us the same tired choices every election: a liberal that wants all of your money and a conservative that wants all of his money. A horrible generalization, yes, but each one of you agrees, don't you? We're tired of choosing the lesser of two evils!
A politician's concerns are not the same as your concerns. A career politician's concerns will NEVER be the same as yours. If you agree with this statement, please check back every few days as we continue on our quest to shake things up for the better. I look forward to actually speaking with you, learning from you, and planning with you to make our piece of the world a better place for us all. Please encourage your families and friends to join us in our "mission impossible". However this shakes out, it won't be boring!
I'm Steve Sallak, and I approve this message.
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